
Doctors Consultation

Hope Clinic will provide a general practitioners service but with the added benefit of seamless referrals to Specialist Centers should the need arise.

wellness screenng

Using the latest body composition analyzer in combination with wellness screening tools, will provide each person with the understanding needed to live a healthier happier life.

blood test/cancer screening

A comprehensive biochemistry, hematology, pathology and microbiology testing is available providing regular updates and reports of tests done.

lifestyle medicine

Using the latest science in nutrition, exercise and psychological therapy that will allow people to live life like never before.

smoking cessation

Fiji’s first smoking cessation clinic which will be able to assist people to kick the habit and live healthier lives.

chip program

A Comprehensive Lifestyle Intervention program that has been proven to arrest, reverse and in some patients even cure chronic diseases.

Obstetrics & Gynecology

Basic office Obstetric and Gynecological services.

general counselling

General counselling for stressed out individuals, depression recovery, anxiety sufferers and more.

future services: stress management and addiction

Drug Addiction Recovery.